Monday, December 20, 2010

The New Place!

We are all moved!! We were sooooo thankful to have lots of friends to help us out - it made the weekend SO much better! (I wish I would have gotten a picture of our crew!)

I've been working at my new job for a few weeks now and am liking it a lot - the people are all really nice and the company is really great to their employees (Canadian Western Bank). I am happy to say that I will be getting 3 weeks and 3 days off next year! I went out to Edmonton for a week for training which was good, although I did miss Lucas' 25th Birthday! But we were able to celebrate when I got home.

Here are some pictures of the last month or so...

Our new home!

We are really  appreciating new appliances :)

We have a second bedroom as well, which is great for storage but I left that picture out because its not as pretty right now :)

We bought and quickly decorated a tree before we opened our gifts for each other!
In the snow at the Cypress lookout after our first snowfall of the year


  1. The place looks great!!! Glad we were able to swing in and see it in person.(the camera does a nice job of making it look nice and big) :) Congrats on the new job as well. I know I've already told you, but it's great to read you are liking it and things are working out there! It's been a long time coming! :) We are looking forward to seeing you for just a short bit on the 22nd. AND HAWAII OF COURSE!!! YAAAAHOOOOO!!!!! THE SUN!!! Oh, sorry. just a little excited. :)

  2. Looks like someone was using work's wide angle lens ;-) The pictures are great.

    It looks cozy with all your stuff setup now. I'm glad everything fit so nicely.

  3. Just our regular lens actually! Unfortunatley the wide angle has been at Nova lately...
    Looking forward to seeing you guys on Wed! AND SO EXCITED FOR HAWAII!!
