Monday, December 20, 2010

The New Place!

We are all moved!! We were sooooo thankful to have lots of friends to help us out - it made the weekend SO much better! (I wish I would have gotten a picture of our crew!)

I've been working at my new job for a few weeks now and am liking it a lot - the people are all really nice and the company is really great to their employees (Canadian Western Bank). I am happy to say that I will be getting 3 weeks and 3 days off next year! I went out to Edmonton for a week for training which was good, although I did miss Lucas' 25th Birthday! But we were able to celebrate when I got home.

Here are some pictures of the last month or so...

Our new home!

We are really  appreciating new appliances :)

We have a second bedroom as well, which is great for storage but I left that picture out because its not as pretty right now :)

We bought and quickly decorated a tree before we opened our gifts for each other!
In the snow at the Cypress lookout after our first snowfall of the year