Friday, November 6, 2009

Atlanta Georgia... "on my mind"

Lucas and I are in Georgia right now, leaving tomorrow afternoon. We had the priveledge of being brought out for a conference for church that just so happens to be in Atlanta (at Perimeter Church) ... so we got to visit the Thompsons too!! It has been a huge blessing because we weren't sure when we would be able to come out next. It makes life busier (mostly for Jenn who is missing other work and school - which just makes her more behind!)... BUT IT'S WORTH IT!  We got to spend Thursday morning and afternoon with the family and we'll have a couple hours tomorrow before we leave to hang out. 

As for the conference, called "Transformation," we have been in the Children's Ministry Track learning about some of the things that this church does to run its programs (which are massive and entertaining... I'll show pictures of it) and learning about how to be effective in our ministry. They have shared a philosophy of a healthy church, which involves head (truth, biblically focussed), heart (passion and what drives you), which leads to hands (which is service reaching out into the community).  Pastor David is in the Spiritual Transformation Track and Eli is in the Community Track (so we've got all three covered). 


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09

For Halloween this year we went to our friend Stacey's party ... and after contemplating on what to dress up as (Lucas wanted to keep it simple and be Bob the Builder again - but I insisted that it had to be a couples costume) we decided to be Olympic Torchbearers. As you probably know, the torch was lit in Greece and brought in to Canada just last week, so we thought it would be fitting for this year and we should take advantage of that. Our torch did have a real flame (candle shoved down there), but we have no pictures to prove it. I guess you'll have to take our word for it :)